September marked our seventh meeting as a club devoted to the greatest detective the world has ever known, Sherlock Holmes. Attending this meeting was Chuck, Michelle, Barbara, Rick, Henry, Candace, Pat, Barry & myself, a good showing for our club. After welcoming everyone to the meeting, Tom started things off by paying respect to Jeremy Brett, who passed away on September 12, 1995. Jeremy's career playing the great detective was highlighted in a YouTube video which Tom presented to the group.
Next came the quote of the month, which came from one of the orginal stories written by Conan Doyle. Only Candace and Pat were able to correctly identify the quote of the month as coming from the story "The Speckled Band". Congratulations! The mystery this month, titled "The Widow Wendy", was another murder, but of interest was the way the police were able to trick the perpertrator of the crime into incriminating herself. After asking several questions, the credit for solving the mystery goes to Pat. He was able to figure out that aside from some strong suspicions that the wife killed her husband, they had no hard evidence. Therefore, according to Pat, they released false information about where the body was found, causing the wife to visit the actual spot of the murder to check for the body. When she did, the police were waiting. Well done, Pat. The story up for discussion was "Five Orange Pips", which was led by Henry. He had previously warned everyone by email that he had found some serious flaws in this story, which dominated his presentation. As one would imagine, Henry's thoughts about this story were well received, and most agreed with his conclusions. Regarless of how you felt about some of Henry's thoughts on the subject, it was still a great discussion. At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed that next month's meeting would be Tuesday, October 17, 2017, at 7pm. The story to be discussed will be "The Man with the Twisted Lip", and it will be presented by Rick. The quote to be identified is as follows: "It is a curious thing that a typewriter has really quite as much individuality as a man's handwriting. Unless they are quite new, no two of them write exactly alike. Some letters get more worn than others and some wear only on one side." If you are reading this but have not yet attended a meeting, then please try to attend in October! It's an amusing and enlightening way to spend an evening.
ModeratorFounding member Tom Campbell moderates this blog for this group! Archives
January 2025