"If you look closely at the table around which the participants are all sitting, you will notice a bottle of champagne and what looks like a birthday cake..." This is just the beginning of the observations that might be made by Holmes if given the chance. He would go on to suggest that this group was in the process of a celebration of sorts... and that since the bottle appears to be empty, the celebration must be about over. Holmes' observations would be correct! This picture was taken at the conclusion of the meeting, after we ate cake and drank champagne in celebration of the birthday of Sherlock Holmes. This meeting took place January 23, 2018 and was held at the usual place. In attendance were Barry, Ken, Linda, Barbara, Candace, Henry, Rick and myself.
After welcome and small talk, we began the meeting by trying to identify the quote of the month, which turned out to be from a story we had discussed earlier in the year, "The Boscombe Valley Mystery". Credit goes to Barry, Rick, Candace and Barbara for matching the quote with the correct story title. Next, we tackled the Puzzle of the month, which was entitled "Caribou Mating Season". After much discussion, the solution to this mystery was solved by pretty much everyone, so no individual credit will be awarded. The Story we discussed was "The Blue Carbuncle", led by Tom. We had planned to discuss this story during the Christmas season in December, but due to illness, that meeting had to be cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled to take place Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Beach PC repair shop, and begin at 7pm (the usual time). The story to be discussed will be "The Speckled Band", and will be presented by Candace. I hope to see everyone there!
ModeratorFounding member Tom Campbell moderates this blog for this group! Archives
January 2025