We are excited to announce Wilmington's First Annual Sherlock Holmes Symposium, which will take place on January 24, 2023 at the Hannah Block USO Community Arts Center, 120 S. 2nd Street, Wilmington, NC, 28412. The Symposium will begin at 6:30pm, and conclude around 8:30pm.
The Symposium will consist of a series of Sherlockian topics delivered by speakers using audio/visual equipment and materials. Admission to the Symposium is FREE, and is geared to adults 18 years of age or older.
The theme is "The Game's Afoot!", and will talk about many of the stories featuring Sherlock Holmes, as well as the major characters who played a part in so many of the stories we know and love. We will also explain what is meant by "playing the game."
Our Speakers
Maurie GiustiniMaurie Giustini lives in Wilmington, NC and has a passion for beach photography. She has been a fan of Sherlock Holmes for the last two decades, and one of the strangest Sherlockian items she's collected (so far!) was a DVD video game.
Maurie will introduce some fun facts about Arthur Conan Doyle and his 60 Sherlock Holmes stories.
Tom CampbellBy profession, Tom Campbell owns and operates a computer repair business with his son, Jonathan. But Tom's primary hobby is collecting Sherlock Holmes memorabilia, reading the Canon as written by Dr. Watson, and participating in Sherlockians meetings whenever possible.
Tom will introduce Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, 221B Baker Street, and playing "The Game".
Ed GibsonEd Gibson is a retired police officer with 30 years of service to the City of Wilmington. He has been a Sherlock Holmes devotee since the late 1970's when he discovered Holmes while in college. He has attended a number of Sherlockian events around the country.
Ed will introduce the Canon's criminal element and Scotland Yard.
Ken CampbellSherlockian and noted author Ken Campbell is well known as a writer of fiction and adventure books. He has been a fan of the great detective most of his life, and attends Sherlockian meetings when his schedule permits.
Ken will introduce Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, and the Baker Street Irregulars.
Register below for a FREE Gift BagWe plan to provide all IN PERSON Symposium attendees with a FREE gift bag. So that we will know how many gift bags to prepare, please register in advance of the meeting. To register, complete the form below and then click on the SUBMIT button. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a free gift bag to ZOOM attendees, but please accept our thanks for watching!
Please help us by spreading the word!So that all Sherlockians will have the opportunity to attend the First Annual Sherlock Holmes Symposium in January, 2023, we ask you to help us spread the word about it.
The best way you can help is to display the Symposium flyer where you work, attend school, or at your public library. Click on the flyer image, and the flyer will open as a PDF on your computer. Then, just print the PDF and display it everywhere you can!
Thank you in advance for your help!